February 04, 2023

Royal York in The News


Source: Welp Magazine 

As a tenant, you have probably wondered about how to make the most of your home. Living in a rental home does not necessarily mean that you should give up on your creative spirit.


There are a lot of articles on the internet that simply don’t let you customize rental homes how you want, however this is a guide on how to customize and make your rental property feel like your own.


Royal York Property Management is a reputable and professional property management company that specializes in the rental industry through offering high-end services to property owners and tenants. With a team that is made up of skilled and experienced individuals, Royal York has achieved $7.8B assets under management while offering property owners and tenants the best customer care.


With over 15 years of experience in the rental business, Royal York Property Management has presented themselves as a trusted and reliable partner to their property owners and tenants. Royal York’s commitment to customer satisfaction sets a standard for the Canadian rental market which puts them on top of the list.


Royal York Property Management makes sure that their tenants are well-accommodated into their homes and feel comfortable with their living space. From offering top-notch services, they are committed to offering guidance and ongoing support to their property owners and tenants.


Here are some tips by Royal York Property Management of what you are allowed to add to your rental home as a tenant:


1. Use any available space

Make the most of available storage space by putting up your favorite plants, under-bed storage bins, and closet organizers. You can maintain your space clean and orderly by following this tip.


2. Utilize vertical areas

Royal York recommends you to add storage and decoration to bare walls, use tall bookcases or shelves on top of shelves so that you don’t have to drill the wall. This will enable you to maximize your floor space and provide a more aesthetically pleasing environment.


3. Use furniture that serves several purposes

Examples include a coffee table with storage or a bed with built-in drawers. You may do this to save money and space while still getting the features you want. Floor lamps are also good to use since they do not take up as much space and plus they look aesthetically pleasing according to Royal York.


4. Use natural light

Open your blinds and drapes to let more light into the room. Besides bringing in more light, this may also give the impression that the space is larger. This is a tip that Royal York believes can bring a more joyful and happy mood to your home, making you feel far more comfortable in your residence.


5. Incorporate personal touches

Decor items like throw cushions, artwork, and other home accents may help the room seem more like a home. If you are someone that likes art, Royal York advises you to put your favorite paintings on your wall by putting them next to a cabinet top which directly leans on the wall, so that you don’t have to risk drilling the artwork to a wall.


6. Make use of outside space

If you have a patio or balcony, think about adding a modest seating area or some potted plants to turn it into an outdoor paradise. You will have more room to unwind and take in the fresh air as a result.