Jessica Kadiu Her/She

Training Manager


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A Training Manager in the leasing department is responsible for developing and implementing comprehensive training programs tailored to the specific needs of leasing professionals. Their duties include identifying training needs through assessments, designing training curricula, facilitating workshops and seminars, and evaluating the effectiveness of training initiatives.

This role focuses on enhancing the skills and knowledge of leasing agents, ensuring they are equipped with the latest industry practices, compliance standards, and customer service excellence. The Training Manager works closely with leasing department leaders to align training objectives with business goals, fostering a culture of continuous learning and development. 


Jessica Kadiu serves as a Training Manager at Royal York Property Management and stands out as an extraordinary professional with a versatile skill set that influences various facets of her life. Her unwavering dedication, industrious spirit, and capacity to juggle multiple tasks mirror her commitment to meeting objectives and excelling in her professional sphere. 

Jessica's calm, amiable demeanor, coupled with her deep industry knowledge, risk assessment skills, problem-solving prowess, and excellent communication abilities, mark her as a crucial member of our team. Moreover, her fervor for lifelong learning and her insightful understanding of human behavior enhance her professional competence significantly. 

Possessing an ideal blend of steadfastness, multitasking prowess, hard work, patience, affability, and a compassionate approach, Jessica significantly contributes to the vibrancy and efficiency of the Royal York Property Management team.