April 24, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources, Market Trends


Being a leading company in property management, we understand how dynamic the real estate market is and how it gives way to the needs of all of our tenants, including those with pets. Thoughtful pet-friendly rental policy will allow landlords to attract and retain responsible tenants who, in turn, may increase their rental income all the while ensuring a harmonious residential environment. In this blog, Royal York Property Management talks about the benefits of such policies and gives guidelines on how to implement them in practice.

Benefits of a Pet-Friendly Rental Policy.

A large tenant base with significant retention of tenants.Pet-friendly rentals can stretch the pool of prospective tenants many times over. There are studies that indicate more than 65% of households own a pet. By accepting pets, landlords will be able to attract a different set of tenants. You have a ready market of tenants with pets who will stay with you longer in your rental, thereby lowering your turnover rates and saving you on the costs of seeking other tenants.

Higher Potential Rent Income

There might be a possibility that landlords charge some pet deposit or a little more for renting with pets, which would help offset part of the added maintenance costs or insurance.

How to Implement an Effective Pet-Friendly Policy

Set Clear Guidelines and Expectations

Stipulate what kinds of pets are permitted: State exact size, breed, or type restrictions that will make it compatible with the place and neighbourhoods.

Create pet rules: You may set rules regarding noise, leashes, and waste disposal to avoid disturbances and keep cleanliness.

Resolve Legal and Insurance Issues

Get to know local laws and ordinances: It is essential that you know your pet policy is compliant with the regulations of housing and with local ordinances regarding pets.

Revise your insurance policy: Some insurance providers have specific provisions regarding some breeds or species, or there are other restrictions.

Managing a Pet-Friendly Property

Regular Inspections and Maintenance

Regular property inspections to check on damages and ensure that the pet owners are on the right path of complying with the policy.

Responsible pet care can be encouraged with the provision of amenities such as waste stations or dog play areas to get the community involved.

Foster a Community Feel

Promotion for pet-related events so tenants can participate and bond to create even greater tenant satisfaction and community spirit.

Improving Property Attractiveness and Value

Enhancing Property Attractiveness

A set of pet-friendly amenities can do much to improve your property's attractiveness. A pet-washing station or dog park which is safe within the property's premises not only attracts pet owners but also has a unique selling point that makes your property outstanding from most.

As a result, advertising your property as pet-friendly may attract more interest and inquiries, given that many tenants today prefer such a feature.

Increased Valuation of PropertyWith a pet-friendly rent policy in place, landlords are often able to charge a higher rent. This is because of the added facility, as well as the perceived value to pet owners, who are willing to pay more to live in a place where they can also bring their pets.

Properties that offer facilities for pets often have a lower vacancy rate from pet-owning tenants who live in a place where their pets can also live.

Crafting a Positive Landlord-Tenant Relationship

Building Trust and Loyalty

Taken together, these are qualities of empathy and flexibility that landlords demonstrate to their tenants to be heavily appreciated among tenants; therefore, it may, in turn, help build the relationship positively to the extent of longer-term lease agreements and more tenant loyalty.

Regular feedback sessions with the tenants can be equally helpful in giving the property managers insights into how they can improve the pet-friendly aspects of their property while ensuring continuous improvement and tenant satisfaction.

Practical Tips to Implement a Pet-Friendly Policy

Develop a Detailed Pet Agreement

A detailed pet agreement should be developed as it is essential for implementing a pet-friendly rental policy. It is part of the lease agreement and should clearly state all the terms of pet ownership and expectations regarding behaviour. Financial responsibilities are included in it.

The consequences of non-compliance should be outlined in the document. This will ensure that everyone is aware of the do's and don'ts and what awaits them.

Communication of Information to the Pet Owners

Landlords should communicate the information to pet owners regarding the closest pet services such as veterinarians, pet supply stores, and grooming centers. This makes the rental attractive and shows that landlords are concerned about the well-being of their tenants.

The list of the local pet etiquette and community rules may also help new tenants in fitting into the neighbourhood community, thus removing potential conflicts and misunderstandings.

Making People Aware of Responsible Pet OwnershipThe landlords may arrange a workshop or just provide information on responsible pet ownership. The themes for these may be proper care for the pets, training, and emergency preparedness. This will ensure that all the tenants who are pet owners are well-informed and well-equipped to live harmoniously within the rental property.

Popular Questions

Can you give me some idea about what a typical pet-friendly policy fee is?

Most landlords require a pet deposit or charge a non-refundable pet fee, which is supposed to compensate for possible damages. A pet deposit or non-refundable pet fee is between $200 and $500, depending on the locality and type of property.

How shall I cope in case of complaints or issues concerning pets?

Establish a clear line of communication for complaints. Treat the issues promptly and fairly, keeping the rights and needs of all the tenants in balance.

When a landlord or a landlady implements a pet-friendly rental policy, careful thoughts and good strategic planning will definitely present hundreds of benefits. By setting clear and supportive guidelines on accommodating the needs of pet owners and creating a supportive community environment, landlords could make their rental property welcoming and profitable.

Do you want to develop a pet-friendly policy in your rental property? Call us today for personalized advice and support to ensure that your property meets the needs of pet owners while maintaining high standards and profitability.