Lea Ismaili Her/She

Assistant District Manager


  • English
  • Albanian


As an Assistant District Manager, Lea collaborates closely with the District Manager, and his responsibilities range from overseeing all team members to ensuring the smooth day-to-day operations of all office locations in the district. She is tasked with supervising, providing hands-on guidance, and ensuring strict compliance across all roles.  

She ensures the optimal performance of Royal York Property Management's offerings in his district, covering Tenant Placement, Property Management, Maintenance, and Legal services, consistently meeting the needs of both property owners and tenants. His role exemplifies our commitment to quality, reinforcing our reputation for unparalleled client satisfaction and service excellence.


Lea Ismaili is currently serving as the Assistant District Manager at Royal York Property Management. Lea's academic background is rooted in her pursuit of a BA in Law at the esteemed University of Prishtina "Hasan Prishtina," where she has displayed a proactive and dedicated approach to her studies.

Her aspiration to build a career in commercial law is underscored by her commitment to acquiring a diverse set of skills and experiences. Lea has showcased her versatility by actively participating in volunteer work across both legal and non-legal roles, demonstrating her ability to adapt to different environments and responsibilities.

Lea's dedication to professional development is further exemplified by her international study experience at Europa Universität Viadrina in Germany, reflecting her determination to advance her career on a global scale. Lea Ismaili's combination of academic excellence, adaptability, and global perspective positions her as a promising candidate for a successful career in the legal field, particularly in commercial law.