Request to Extend or Shorten Time |
Instructions |
Section A: Reasons for Making a Request to Extend or Shorten Time......................p. 1
Section B: How to Complete a Request Time.......................................... p. 2
Section C: What to include when you File a Request..................................p. 3
Section D: How to file your Request .............................................. p. 4
Section E:Who to contact if you have any questions ...................................p. 5
Section A: Reasons for Making a Request to Extend or Shorten Time
Request to Shorten Time to Hearing
A landlord, tenant or another party to an application, motion or request that has been filed with the LTB that will result in a hearing may file a request to shorten time to hearing. If the request is granted, the hearing will be held sooner than it would otherwise. If the request is denied the hearing will be scheduled according to the LTB’s usual timeline. If the request is denied the person who made the request cannot make a further request to shorten the time to the same hearing unless there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original request.
A landlord who has not filed their Application for a Rent Increase above the Guideline at least 90 days before the effective date of the first intended rent increase referred to in the application may file a request to shorten time. If the request is granted, the application will be accepted by the LTB. If the request is denied, the application will not be accepted.Request to Extend Time
The LTB may extend the amount of time a party has to do something for any matter in its proceeding, except for the time requirements listed in section 56 of Ontario Regulation 516/06 under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 (“Act”).
If the request to extend time is granted, the LTB will accept the motion, request, application or submission that the party wants to file after the deadline. If the request is not granted, the motion, request, application or submission will not be accepted.
The time limits the LTB may consider extending in a Request to Extend Time include:- A Landlord’s Motion to Set Aside an Order to Void (s.74(9) of the Act) - the deadline for filing the motion is 10 days after the order was issued.
- A Tenant’s Motion to Set Aside an Ex Parte Order (s.77(6) or s.78(9) of the Act) - the deadline for filing the motion is 10 days after the order was issued.
- A request to amend an order (LTB Rule of Procedure 24) – the deadline for filing the request is 30 days after the order was issued.
- A request to review a decision or order (LTB Rule of Procedure 26) – the deadline for filing the request is 30 days after the order was issued.
- The deadline for filing a request to re-open an application resolved by a mediated agreement (LTB Rule of Procedure 13) – the deadline for filing the request is one year after the mediated agreement was signed, unless the parties agreed to a longer time.
- The deadline for filing written submissions or evidence for a hearing – deadline is contained in the Board’s order, direction or endorsement.
- A Landlord's application for a determination of whether grounds for refusing consent to an assignment of a site for a mobile home are reasonable(s.159(2) of the Act) – the deadline is 15 days after the tenant’s request for the landlord’s consent to an assignment.
- A Landlord's request for a review of a work order issued by an inspector (s.226(1) of the Act) – the deadline is 20 days after the work order was issued.
If your request is denied, you cannot make a further request to extend the same time requirement unless there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original request.
Note: the LTB cannot extend time for a landlord to file an L3 Application (s.77(1) of the Act) or an L4 Application (s.78(1) of the Act).- Print clearly or type.
- If there are more boxes in a line than you need, start from the left and leave the extra boxes blank.
- Do not fill in boxes that do not apply to you (for example, if you do not have a fax number, do not complete boxes in the space marked “Fax Number”).
- If the instructions tell you choose a box or a circle (for example, circles marked “Yes” or “No”), make sure you have clearly marked the correct choice.
- A tenant who has filed a Tenant Application about Maintenance (Form T6) could explain that they want a shortened time to hearing because the furnace has not been repaired by the landlord and the rental unit is very cold. The request should provide details about the temperature in the rental unit and the impact on the tenant.
- A landlord who has filed an Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant (Form L2) based on a Notice to your Tenancy for Illegal Act (N6) could explain that they want a shortened time to hearing because the tenant’s illegal acts threaten another tenant’s health and safety. The request should include details about the tenant’s conduct and its impact on others.
- A tenant could explain that they want an extension of time to file a motion to set aside an ex parte eviction order issued by the LTB because they were in hospital when the order was issued and were therefore unable to file the motion within 10 days of the order being issued. The tenant could include a hospital discharge report to support this request.
- A landlord could explain that they want an extension of time to file a request to review an order because the landlord’s address listed on the tenant’s application is incorrect and therefore the landlord did not receive the order within 30 days of the date it was issued by the LTB. The landlord could include proof of their correct address to support this request.
- A landlord who has filed an Application to Evict a Tenant for Non-payment of Rent (Form L1) could explain that they want a shortened time to hearing because the tenant has not paid rent in many months and the arrears are high, causing the landlord significant personal or financial hardship. The request should include specific details about how the landlord has been impacted by the rent arrears and supporting documents.
- A landlord who has filed an Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant (Form L2) based on a Notice to End your Tenancy Because the Landlord, a Purchaser or a Family Member Requires the Rental Unit (N12) could explain that they want a shortened time to hearing because they have entered into an agreement of purchase and sale for the rental unit and the sale may not be completed if the tenant does not move out to allow the purchaser to move into the unit. The request should include documents that set out the closing date of the sale and that it is unlikely to be extended. The request could also include information about the purchaser’s current housing situation to explain why they need to move into the rental unit on an urgent basis.
Read these instructions before completing the request form. Follow the instructions carefully when you complete the form. You are responsible for ensuring that your request is correct and that you have provided all the facts and reasons to support your request. If your request is denied, you cannot make a further request to extend or shorten the same time requirement unless there has been a significant change in circumstances since the original request.
The information you fill in on the form will be read electronically; therefore, it is important to follow the instructions below:PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION
Requester’s Information
Choose the appropriate circle to indicate whether you are a landlord, tenant or other party.
Fill in your name and address. If the requester is a company, fill in the name of the company under “First Name”. Include an e-mail address, daytime and evening telephone numbers and a fax number and, if you have them.
Unit, Building or Complex Covered by the Request
Fill in the complete address of the rental unit, including the unit number (or apartment or suite number) and the postal code.
If the street name includes a direction that will not fit in the five spaces provided (such as Northeast) use the following abbreviations: NE for Northeast, NW for Northwest, SE for Southeast, SW for Southwest.PART 2: EXPLANATION FOR YOUR REQUEST
Choose the appropriate box or boxes to indicate what type of request you are making.
In the box below, explain why you are making the request.
For ExampleIf you have already filed a request to extend or shorten the same time requirement explain the change in circumstances since you made the original request. Your request will be denied if there has not been a significant change in circumstances. A further request to extend or shorten the same time requirement cannot be used to provide additional reasons or evidence which could have been provided with the original request.
In deciding whether to grant your request, the LTB Member may consider the following factors in Rule 16.4 of the LTB’s Rules of Procedure:
a. Any prejudice (harm) you or another the party may experience if the request is granted or not granted
b. Whether there is any way the prejudice may be remedied (addressed) c. Whether this request is made in good faith
d. If the request is for an extension of time, the length of the delay in filing the document and the reason for it
e. Any other factors the LTB Member considers relevant in the circumstances.
You may wish to consider addressing these factors in your request.PART 3: SIGNATURE
If you are the requester, choose the circle marked “Requester”. Then, sign the review request and fill in the date.
If you are the representative choose the circle marked “Representative”. Then, sign the review request and fill in the date.Include with your request any documents that you refer to in your explanation or that you think support your request.
Except in exceptional circumstances, a request to extend time must be accompanied by the motion, request, application or submission that the party wants to file after the deadline.
If an extension of time is granted and the document was not filed with the request, the LTB will direct that the document be filed, and any filing fee be paid, by a specific date. If the document is not filed by that date, it will be refused.
If the new tenant has already moved into the rental unit, you cannot give the tenant this notice by posting it on the door of the new tenant’s rental unit.
It is important that you keep a copy of the notice you give the new tenant.
To make sure you include all the information the LTB needs, it’s recommended you
use the LTB’s standard form, Request to Extend or Shorten Time, to make your
If you do not want to use the form, you can make the request by email or letter
instead. The letter or email should clearly identify the type of request being made
and the relevant LTB file number. It must also include the same information that is
requested in the LTB’s standard form; specifically:
- The requesting party’s name, contact information and status in the application;
- The timeline the requesting party wants to shorten or extend; and
- The reasons for the request – consider the factors set out in Rule 16.4 of the Board’s Rules of Procedure.
1. By Email
By email to the LTB Regional Office that is responsible your file. To find
a list of email addresses for each LTB office locations, visit the Contact the
LTB page at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb.
2. Mail
Mail your request to the nearest LTB office.
To find a list of LTB office locations visit the Contact the LTB page at
tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. You can also call the LTB at 416-645-8080 or
1-888-332-3234 (toll-free).
3. By Fax
You can fax your request to the nearest LTB office. To find a list of LTB office
fax numbers visit the Contact the LTB page at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. You
can also call the LTB at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll-free).
4. Local ServiceOntario office
Please visit ServiceOntario Centres for a list of loca
You can visit the Frequently Asked Questions page or the Contact the LTB page at
Call the LTB at 416-645-8080 from within the Toronto calling area, or toll-free at
1-888-332-3234 and speak to one of our Customer Service Officers..
Customer Service Officers are available Monday to Friday, except holidays, from
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. They can provide you with information about the Residential
Tenancies Act, 2006 and the LTB's processes; they cannot provide you with legal
advice. You can also access our automated information menu at the numbers listed
above 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Tarion Warranties

Small Claims Court

Litigation Arising from Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Completion of LTB Notices & Applications