June 18, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


Regular inspections play a big part in property maintenance in Canada to guarantee the preservation of property value, the satisfaction of tenants, and compliance with the law. At Royal York Property Management, the need for such inspections is performed on our varying portfolio of over 22,000 properties worth more than $10.1 billion. With the rental market ever-changing, especially in 2024, conducting regular property inspections has never been more important for any landlord. This does not only protect investments against potential damages but also keeps good relations with tenants while ensuring that local authorities stay at bay by adhering to set regulations.

Understanding Legal Requirements in Canada

Provincial Regulations

The laws that govern rental property inspection vary from one province to another in Canada. Take the case of the Residential Tenancies Act of Ontario. It requires a landlord to conduct an entry or move-in inspection and then provide the tenant with an Initial Inspection Worksheet. It will outline the condition of the property at move-in and act as a reference for when tenants leave, helping both parties stay clear of disputes over damages. Similarly, in British Columbia, the landlord is required to provide detailed move-in and move-out inspection reports with which parties agree.

Compliance and Documentation

Legal requirements are important to keeping off disputes and other related legal problems. A very major part of these regulations involves informing tenants before carrying out an inspection. Most provinces, like Ontario, require that a landlord give at least 24 hours' notice before entering the rental unit for purposes of carrying out an inspection. Another equally important aspect of record-keeping involves the conduct of these very same inspections, as they act as proof in cases of disputes and any claims regarding the state of the property upon vacating.

Benefits of Routine Inspections  

Protecting Investments

These routine inspections can be a good way to protect your investment. A landlord can easily avoid minor problems that may enlarge into major, expensive repairs if maintenance issues are identified and dealt with on time. That shall maintain the integrity of its structure and functionality, thereby remaining attractive to prospective tenants.

Enhancing Tenant Relationships

Regular inspections show tenants we truly care about providing them with a safe and well-maintained living environment. The concern can identify caring for them, therefore building trust among them, thus evoking a good landlord-tenant relationship. Open communication during these inspections will let tenants voice their concerns, and we will be able to resolve them quickly to enhance the satisfaction ratings of our tenants.

Ensuring Safety and Compliance 

These are carried out within the pertaining devices for safety, which include smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, and fire extinguishers, to make sure they are in good working order. This not only safeguards your tenants but also makes sure the property is adhering to health and safety laws. Such regular checks could sniff out any potential hazards; a landlord may be able to detect them before they actually turn into serious problems.

How to Conduct a Thorough Move-In Inspection

This comprehensive inspection at tenancy commencement sets the scene for a hassle-free tenancy. We will do this in cooperation with the tenant to ensure its transparency and mutual agreement on the condition of the property. In doing so, our Initial Inspection Worksheet documents every piece of information, including any pre-existing damages, cleanliness, functionality of appliances, and fittings. Clear photographs taken during this inspection provide a visual record for future reference.

Set the Right Frequency for Routine Inspections

The frequency of the inspection may vary depending on the type of property or, most importantly, tenant turnover. We shall recommend that a general inspection be done every three to six months. This is a duration that allows for regular checking without necessarily infringing on the tenants' privacy. Notwithstanding this legal requirement, advance written notice of entry, normally within 24 hours, shall serve to respect the privacy of tenants.

Key Areas You Should Inspect  

Interior Inspections

It is essential to inspect the interior room by room. The study should include an evaluation of the condition of the walls, ceilings, and flooring for fraying, leakages, and other types of damage. Inspect equipment and appliances to guarantee operational functioning. Check the safety measures, like smoke detectors and fire extinguishers, to ensure that they are up-to-date with the current requirements on safety matters as well.

Exterior Inspections

This includes the structure of the building with respect to damage or wear on the roof, siding, and windows, as well as inspection of the landscaping and common areas—paving lots. Properly maintained curb appeal makes a property much more attractive and marketable overall.

Maintenance and Repairs 

It is very critical that whenever maintenance or repair needs are found in inspections, prompt action should be taken to prevent further damage and protect tenant satisfaction. It encourages tenants to report the latent defects as soon and as necessary as possible for effective management. The strategies of preventive maintenance, like servicing the HVAC systems and plumbing regularly, bring down the chances of surprise repairs drastically.

It aids in preserving property value, tenant satisfaction, and compliance with the law. Here at Royal
York Property Management, we protect our client’s investments and provide a quality living environment for tenants. With regular inspections incorporated into your property management routine, you will be able to foster better tenant relations, avoid pricey repairs, and ensure the long-term success of your rental properties. Remember, a well-inspected property is a happy property. For more information on Royal York Property Management and our services, visit: royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca