Finding rental homes and making sure the property fulfills all the rental agreements is essential to us. Although we know how to find good tenants, there is a small chance that things don’t go as planned. That’s why RYPM offers a unique full rental guarantee.
We understand that your comfort, security, and peace of mind are key to owning a successful rental property and sometimes the best way to find tenants for rental property goes beyond tenant check, background, or screening. Our rental guarantee will make sure to provide you with the best tenants.
Complete an application on the property you are interested in
Submit reservation fee to secure the property and apply towards your last month's rent
Download all documents to RYPM portal within 3 days on the property you want
All documents must be uploaded to the Royal York Document Portal within 3 days of your approval. Please ensure that each document is clear, easy to read, and submitted in PDF format, and it is attached to the lease name that has been assigned to you.
All documents must be uploaded to the RYPM document portal within 3 days of your approval. Please ensure that each document is clear, easy to read, submitted in PDF format, and is attached to the lease name assigned to you.
Must display legal name, date of birth, and signature. Can be any of:
- Canadian Passport
- Foreign Passport
- Canadian Citizenship Card with photo
- Canadian Permanent Resident Card with signature
- Record of Landing (IMM 1000)
- Confirmation of Permanent Resident (IMM 5292) accompanied by a valid passport from country of origin
- Report Pursuant to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IMM 1442) with photo.
- Student Authorization/Study Permit (IMM 1442)
- Employment Authorization/Work Permit (IMM 1442)
- Visitor Record (IMM 1442) -
Temporary Resident’s Permit (IMM 1442) (formerly Minister’s Permit/Extension of Minister’s Permit)
- Secure Certificate of Indian Status Card (issued on or after Decembe 15, 2009, by Indian & Northern Affairs Canada
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