Application to Collect Rent the Tenant Owes |
Instructions |
Section A: When to use this application...........p. 1
Section B: How to complete this application..................................p. 2
Section C: What to include when you file your application.................................p. 3
Section D: How to file your application .................................. p. 4
Section E:What to do if you have any questions .................p. 5
You may use an Application to Collect the Rent the Tenant Owes (L9 Application) if the tenant owes you rent and you want to collect the money the tenant owes.
If the tenant made a payment by cheque that was returned to you because of nonsufficient funds (NSF) and the tenant has not paid you back for the charges related to that NSF cheque, you can also include these amounts in your application.
You cannot file this application if the tenant has moved out of the rental unit.
If the tenant moved out of the rental unit on or after September 1, 2021, you may file an Application to Collect Rent a Former Tenant Owes (L10 Application) with the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB) if you want to collect rent the former tenant owes. A L10 Application cannot be filed more than one year after the date the former tenant moved out.
An order issued by the LTB for a L9 Application is an enforceable order which can be collected as a debt. However, if the tenant does not pay, you cannot use the order to evict the tenant.
If you want to evict your tenant for non-payment of rent, you can complete the Application to Evict a Tenant for Non-Payment of Rent and to Collect Rent the Tenant Owes (Form L1) and file it with the LTB. However, before you file the L1 application, you must give the tenant an N4 Notice to End your Tenancy for NonPayment of Rent.- Print clearly or type and do not touch the edges of the boxes.
- If there are more boxes in a line than you need, start from the left and leave the extra boxes blank.
- Do not fill in boxes that do not apply to you (for example, if you do not have a fax number, do not fill in boxes in the space marked “Fax Number”).
- If the instructions tell you to shade a box or a circle (for example, circles marked “Yes” or “No”), shade the box or circle completely.
- the amount of the cheque,
- the date of the cheque,
- the date your financial institution charged you for the NSF cheque (under Date NSF Charge Incurred),
- the amount the bank charged you for the NSF cheque (under Bank Charge for NSF Cheque),
- the amount of your related administration charges (under Landlord’s Administration Charge), Note: A landlord’s administration charge for NSF cheques can include your personal or corporate costs related to the handling of NSF rent cheques. For example, this charge may include the costs for additional accounting expenses or tenant notification in cases of NSF cheques. The maximum administration charge for an NSF cheque allowed by the Residential Tenancies Act (the Act), 2006 is $20 per cheque.
- Calculate the amounts for each row in the Total Charge column by adding the amount for Bank Charge for NSF Cheque and the amount for Landlord’s Administration Charge. Do not include the Cheque Amount.
- Calculate the amount for Total NSF Related Charges Owing by adding the amounts you filled in the Total Charge column.
- The completed A4 application form,
- The application fee (listed on the cover page of the application).
Read these instructions before completing the application form. You are responsible for ensuring that your application is correct and complete. Follow the instructions carefully when you complete the application form.
The information you fill in on the form will be read electronically; therefore, it is important to follow the instructions below:Part-1 : Address of the Rental Unit, Building or Residential Complex Covered by this Application
Fill in the street address for each building in the residential complex covered by this application. Attach additional sheets if necessary. If you are a tenant, fill in the unit number of the rental unit subject to the application.
If the street name includes a direction that will not fit in the five spaces provided (such as Northeast) use the following abbreviations: NE for Northeast, NW for Northwest, SE for Southeast, SW for Southwest.
If the address is: #208 at 1120 Mayfield Road North, London, this is how you should complete Part 1 of the application:
Part 2 includes a space for you to fill in the amount you believe the tenant owes you as of the date you file the application with the LTB.
Do not fill in the amount you believe the tenant owes you until you have completed Part 5 and Part 6 of the application. Once you have completed Parts 5 and 6, you will copy the amount you filled in under Total in Part 6 to the space provided in Part 2. This is the total amount the tenant owes you on the date you file your application with the LTB.
In the space for the date, you must fill in the date you are filing the application with the LTB.
Landlord’s Name and Address
In the Landlord’s Name and Address section, fill in the landlord’s name and address. If the landlord is a company, fill in the name of the company under “First Name”. Include both daytime and evening telephone numbers and a fax number and e-mail address, if you have them.
If there is more than one landlord, fill in information about one of the landlords in this section of Part 3. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the additional landlords on the Schedule of Parties form which is available from the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb.
Fill in the other party’s name and address. If the other party is the landlord and a company, fill in the name of the company under “Company Name”. Include both daytime and evening telephone numbers and a fax number and e-mail address, if you have them.
Tenant Names and Address
In the Tenant Names and Address section, fill in the tenant’s name. If two tenants live in the rental unit, fill in both their names. If more than two tenants live in the rental unit, fill in information about two tenants in this section of Part 3. Provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of any additional tenants on the Schedule of Parties form which is available from the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb.
Mailing Address
Fill in the tenant’s mailing address only if it is different from the address of the rental unit. Provide the tenant’s daytime and evening telephone numbers. Also provide the tenant’s fax number and e-mail address if you know them.
Related Applications
If you or your tenant have filed other applications that relate to this rental unit, and those applications have not been resolved, fill in the file numbers in the space provided.
Shade the appropriate box or boxes to indicate what you are applying for.
Shade either the Yes or No circle to answer whether or not the tenant is still living in the rental unit on the date you file this application. The tenant must be living in the rental unit when you file this application.
Shade the appropriate circle to indicate whether the tenant pays rent by the month, week or other. If you choose “other”, fill in the frequency of rent payments (for example, bi-weekly) in the space provided.
Section 1: Rent Owing: Complete the Rent Owing table to show how you calculated the amount of rent the tenant owes you.
'Rent' includes the basic rent for the rental unit, plus any amount the tenant pays you separately for services (such as parking). If the tenant is responsible for paying all or a portion of a utility bill (such as hydro) directly to the utility company or indirectly through the landlord, this is not considered rent. However, if the tenant is required to pay a flat rate to the landlord each month for a utility, this would meet the definition of rent.
If the tenant owes you rent for more than three rental periods, you can combine two or more rental periods in the first or second row of the table. However, in the last row of the table that you complete, you must show the rent charged, rent paid and rent owing for the last rent period for which the tenant owes rent.
Example: The tenancy agreement between Bruce Campanolo, the landlord, and Sophia Maxwell, the tenant, requires Sophia to pay $1000 on the first of each month.
On November 1, 2019 Sophia paid only $900 and on December1st, she only paid $700. On January 1, 2019 Sophia gave Bruce a cheque for $1000 which was returned NSF.
On January 29, Bruce filed this application with the LTB. This is how he filled out the rent owing table:
Section 2: NSF Cheque Charges: If the tenant made a payment by cheque that was returned to you because of non-sufficient funds (NSF), and the tenant has not paid you back for the charges related to the NSF cheque, you can include these amounts in your application. If the tenant does not owe you anything related to NSF charges, leave this section blank.
Complete the table to show how you calculated the amount the tenant owes you. Fill in one row of the table for each NSF cheque the tenant gave you. Include the following information:Example Sophia Maxwell, the tenant, gave Bruce Campanolo, the landlord, a cheque for $1000.00, dated January 1st for January’s rent, but the cheque was returned NSF.
As a result, the bank charged Bruce an NSF fee of $5; the fee appeared on his bank statement on January 14th. Bruce also had costs related to the handling of the NSF cheque.
Bruce filled out the table as shown below to show how he calculated the amount owing for the NSF related charges:
Transfer the Total Rent Owing amount from Section 1 of Part 5 to the Total Rent Owing field in Part 6.
Transfer the Total NSF Related Charges Owing amount from Section 2 of Part 5 to the Total NSF Cheque Related Charges Owing field in Part 6.
Under Application Fee, fill in the application fee of $201.
Calculate the amount under Total Amount Owing by adding the Total Rent Owing amount, the Total NSF Cheque Related Charges Owing amount and the application fee. Then, transfer this amount to the box in Part 2. The date you fill in Part 2 is the date you are filing the application with the LTB.
Example: When landlord Bruce Campanolo files this application, tenant Sophia Maxwell owes him $1400 in rent, $25 in NSF charges and $201 for the application fee. This is how Bruce filled out Part 6 of the form:
Note: the most the LTB can order based on your claim is $35,000. If you believe the tenant owes you more than $35,000, and you want to collect the full amount, you should apply to court and not to the LTB. Once the LTB issues an order based on your application, you no longer have any claim to amounts greater than $35,000 from your tenant.
If you are the landlord, shade the circle marked “Landlord”. Then, sign the application form and fill in the date.
If you are the landlord’s representative, shade the circle marked “Representative”. Then, sign the application form and fill in the date LANGUAGE PREFERENCE
The LTB offers services in both English and French. If you, your representative, or one of your witnesses would like to receive French Language Services, please select French.
The LTB committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect and in a manner that promotes independence. The LTB is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible environment in which all persons have equitable access to our services. Accommodations are arrangements to allow everyone, regardless of their abilities, to participate fully in the LTB’s process.
Complete the Accommodation Request form if you require accommodation under the Ontario Human Rights Code or for a procedural fairness need. Provide as much detail as you can about your request for accommodation for your upcoming hearing. Email or mail your completed form to the LTB office that is handling your file. The LTB will review your request and make a decision based on the information you provide.
The form and more information about accommodation is available at tribunalsontario.ca/en/request-an-accommodation.
The LTB will not include a copy of this form when we give the other parties a copy of the application form. However, the information will be included in your application file. The file may be viewed by other parties to the application.PAYMENT AND SCHEDULING INFORMATION FORM
Complete this form to provide the LTB with the information required to process your application. Your application will not be accepted if you do not pay the application fee at the time you file the application. If you owe money to the LTB as a result of failing to pay a fee or any fine or costs set out in an order, your application may be refused or discontinued.
You may request a fee waiver if you meet the financial eligibility requirements set out by the LTB. You will need to complete the Fee Waiver Form which is available from the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. For more information about fee waivers and the eligibility criteria, go to the fee waiver rules and practice direction on the Rules of Practice page of the LTB website.
Part 1: Payment Method
Shade the appropriate box to show whether you are paying by cash, debit card, money order, certified cheque, Visa or MasterCard. You cannot pay by cash or debit card if you are filing your application by fax or mail. If you are paying by credit card, include the cardholder’s name and signature, the card number and expiry date. The information you fill in on this part of the form is confidential. It will be used to process your application, but will not be placed on the application file.
Part 2: Information Required to Schedule the Hearing
The LTB will normally schedule your hearing between 3 weeks and 6 weeks after the date you file your application. The LTB will schedule your hearing on the first available hearing date within this 3 week period. If there are any dates that you are not available during this 3 week period, list them here. The LTB will not schedule your hearing on the date(s) you indicate you are not available and will schedule your hearing on the next available hearing date. The LTB will not contact you to schedule a hearing.To file this application, you must include the following:
Your application will be refused if you do not pay the application fee or make a Fee Waiver Request
You can file your application in one of the following ways:
1. In Person at the nearest LTB office.
To find a list of LTB office locations visit the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. You can also call the LTB at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll-free).
If you file your application in person at an LTB office, you can pay the application fee by cash, debit card, certified cheque, money order, Visa or MasterCard.
2. By Mail: Mail your A4 application to the nearest LTB office. To find a list of LTB office locations visit the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. You can also call the LTB at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll-free). If you mail your application, you can pay the application fee by certified cheque or money order, Visa or MasterCard.
3. By Fax: You can fax your application to the nearest LTB office. To find a list of LTB office fax numbers visit the LTB website at tribunalsontario.ca/ltb. You can also call the LTB at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll-free).
If you fax your application you can pay the application fee by Visa or MasterCard.
Certified cheques and money orders must be made payable to the Minister of Finance.
You can visit the LTB website at: tribunalsontario.ca/ltb.
You can call the LTB at 416-645-8080 from within the Toronto calling area, or toll-free at 1-888-332-3234 from outside Toronto, and speak to one of our Customer Service Officers.
Customer Service Officers are available Monday to Friday, except holidays, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. They can provide you with information about the Residential Tenancies Act and the LTB's processes; they cannot provide you with legal advice. You can also access our automated information menu at the same numbers listed above 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Royal York Property Management's legal team at Zuber & Company LLP is available to assist you with any legal issues that may arise related to your real estate investments.
We stay up to date on Ontario real estate law and the relevant Act to ensure that both you and your tenants are in compliance with the latest regulations.
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Tarion Warranties

Small Claims Court

Litigation Arising from Landlord-Tenant Disputes

Completion of LTB Notices & Applications