May 23, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


In recent years, the real estate landscape has witnessed a significant shift toward environmental consciousness. Green buildings, characterized by sustainable design, energy efficiency, and reduced environmental impact, have become a focal point for both renters and landlords.

The same is happening in Ontario’s real estate and rental markets. Green buildings are increasingly becoming a focal point there, driving changes in how properties are built, managed, and rented.

Royal York Property Management combines great service and expertise to satisfy the needs of landlords, investors, and tenants across the country, making it one of the major property management companies in Ontario. We deal with a vast portfolio of more than 22,000 properties worth over $10.1 billion and grow trust in the real estate area daily.

At Royal York Property Management, we are more than curious to see how these sustainable structures change the rental game. This blog will discuss all the impacts of green buildings on the Ontario rental market in 2024.

What are green buildings?  

Green buildings are designed with sustainability in mind, integrating elements of reduced environmental impact and increased energy efficiency. Other things that can be found in most green buildings include advanced insulation, energy-efficient windows, renewable sources of energy, and materials for sustainable buildings. Certification programs like LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) and ENERGY STAR set standards for what a green building is.

Growth of Green Buildings and Sustainable Practices

Green buildings are no longer an avant-garde idea; they're the future. Tenants are becoming increasingly conscious of sustainability, and it is those properties that can keep pace with this ideology that thrive. Key trends include:

1. Green Building Certifications: Properties boasting LEED—Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design—certification are in high demand. These certifications validate a building's commitment to sustainability.
2. Renewable Energy Sources: The reduction of traditional energy source dependence can be realized through solar panels, wind turbines, and geothermal systems.
3. Efficient Waste Management: Waste reduction and recycling programs that appeal to environmentally-oriented tenants.
4. Financial Benefits: Green properties command higher rents and sales prices. Besides, they spend less time on the market, benefiting landlords.

Current Trends in Ontario's Green Building Sector  

Ontario, Canada, has, in recent years, seen a sharp rise in the number of green buildings. Provincial policies and incentives are pushing for sustainable building practices, and an eventual drift toward environment-friendly construction is noteworthy. Statistics indicate that the adoption of green building techniques has been accelerating.

The Top 5 Impacts of Green Buildings on Ontario’s Rental Market  

1. Increasing Rental Prices and Demand

In Ontario, green buildings are driving up the price of rentals. Properties that have green certification or sustainable features normally command higher rental rates because they save energy and have health benefits. There's an emerging niche of the environmentally conscious tenant who has no problem paying a little extra for a sustainable living space, driving the demand for green rentals.

2. Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

One of the very viable benefits of green buildings is their energy efficiency. Tenants in green buildings often get drastically reduced utility bills resulting from features such as energy-efficient appliances, advanced insulation, and solar panels. These cost savings make green rentals very attractive and financially beneficial for tenants.

3. Rise of Smart Home Features in Rentals

Smart home technology has moved from a luxury to an expectation. Smart, programmable thermostats, smart locks, and energy-efficient appliances are no longer perks but must-haves. Investors in such technology attract tech-savvy renters who value convenience and sustainability.

4. Health and Well-being Benefits

Other very long-term benefits of indoor environmental quality from green buildings include improved air quality, increased natural light, and the use of non-toxic building materials. Research has shown that tenants have said they actually feel better and more comfortable in such properties.

5. Marketability and Competitive Advantage for Landlords

A green building portfolio will give a landlord a market advantage when seeking tenants. Properties with green certifications tend to be more marketable and attractive to quality tenants who take great care of the property. Such an advantage will basically increase the level of occupancy and tenant retention.

However, there are also challenges associated with green buildings: higher initial construction costs and more complex regulatory requirements. These can be offset by taking advantage of government incentives, grants, and tax credits to encourage sustainable building. The landlord should also take into consideration the long-term savings in energy costs and the possibility of having higher rent.

The bright side, however, is that some landlords in Ontario have been quite successful in greening buildings within their rental portfolios. For example, a recent development in downtown Toronto, once an old remodeled building using green technologies, saved 30% on energy costs; in addition, it recorded a significant gain in
tenant satisfaction. Such success stories bring out the practical benefits and positive outcomes of an investment in green buildings.

Future Outlook for Green Buildings in Ontario’s Rental Market

There is a good future awaiting green buildings in Ontario. With increasing awareness of the environment and cheaper technologies for green building, the adaptation of sustainable building practices is increasing. This would further increase the influence in the rental market as more renters look to occupy green properties and landlords see the value in investing sustainably.

Green buildings are making big impacts on the rental market in Ontario. That apart, there are added advantages to be derived in energy savings, tenant well-being, and property value enhancement. Both tenants and landlords can benefit as more people become interested in sustainable living spaces.

At Royal York Property Management, if you are looking to invest in a green building in Ontario or already have rental properties but have had problems placing a tenant, now is your chance to finally take that step. Our comprehensive services cover tenant placement, property management, and a rental guarantee.

Our special tenant placement program will place a qualified tenant on your property within 7–10 business days because of our unique proprietary software. Our full-service property management ensures that your property is kept in the most wholesome state by providing 24/7 maintenance and customer care, collecting rent, providing financial reporting, and so much more. In addition, our Rental Guarantee program assures you of always having rental income, even in cases of a vacancy.

Let us handle the intricacies of running your green properties as you enjoy the fruits of sustainable and profitable investment. For more information on Royal York Property Management and our services, visit: