July 01, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


Effective handling of tenant complaints can be described as the bedrock of successful property management. In Ontario, with its strongly protected tenants and a vibrant rental market, the requirement for quick and effective complaint resolution is quite acute. Representing over $10.1 billion in assets under management and over 22,000 properties, Royal York Property Management is one of Canada's premier property management and leasing companies. For decades, we have learned that the smooth handling of tenant complaints does a lot more than enhance tenant satisfaction; it also secures long-term occupancy and resultant profitability.

Understand Tenant Complaints Effectively  

Tenant complaints can be for insignificant maintenance jobs or major safety issues. Common complaints include requests for maintenance, noise, safety conditions, and lease violations. It is quite important that this be addressed quickly to ensure a good landlord-tenant relationship and tenant satisfaction.

Navigate Ontario's Legal Framework  

The Ontario Residential Tenancies Act describes explicit rights and responsibilities for tenants and landlords. This act clearly states the responsibility of the landlord to pay timely attention to maintenance requests and other complaints by the tenant. Recent legislation changes in 2024 have further solidified the requirements, with a growing focus on attending to the concerns raised by the tenant to be compliant with provincial regulations. It is crucial for a landlord to know and act according to these legal requirements in order to avoid unnecessary disputes and fines associated with them.

Master Effective Communication Strategies

Effective complaint resolution is based on clear and effective communication. Indeed, it can ensure accessibility for tenants by opening numerous channels of complaint messaging, such as email, phone lines, and online portals. It is crucial that an active listening process be combined with documentation of all the details while logging a complaint. The receipt of complaints has to be acknowledged promptly to reassure the tenant that his/her issues are taken seriously.

Follow These Steps to Handle Tenant Complaints  

Handling tenant complaints is done in several crucial ways. First, make sure to communicate with the tenant by acknowledging their complaint to assure them their issue is noted. Assess if the problem is of major severity and if it is valid or otherwise. It is then important to come up with a clear action plan specifying timelines for resolution. As you open your communications to the tenant, do so within progress. Finally, follow up with the tenant to ensure one's assistance is quite satisfactory to him or her.

Implement Proactive Maintenance and Inspections  

Preventing complaints before they arise can significantly enhance tenant satisfaction. Regular property inspections will identify any emerging issues and thus call for timely maintenance and repairs. A proactive maintenance schedule enables the fixing of common problems before they become significant issues. It not only reduces the number of complaints but also extends the life of components of a property, keeping up the general quality of the rental unit.

Utilize Mediation and Conflict Resolution Techniques  

If the complaint is not resolved after direct communication, then mediation should be an effective way. Professional mediation services help to undertake the talking process between landlords and tenants in pursuit of a mutually agreeable resolution. Involving third parties, such as property management companies or legal advisors, can also be beneficial in resolving more complex disputes. Royal York Property Management uses its experience and knowledge of mediation and conflict resolution to maintain harmonious landlord-tenant relationships.

York Property Management has always done well with a process in place for resolving complaints. In one specific case, a tenant of ours had reported an issue with the plumbing system in one of our Toronto properties. It was a recurring problem. The approach taken was quick, by way of acknowledgment, assessment, and a well thought out repair plan. Updates were provided for the tenant at regular intervals, and indeed, he was pleased with both the promptness and efficiency with which the issue was resolved. In another case, noise complaints in a multi-unit building were managed through mediation and the installation of soundproofing measures, resulting in a significant reduction in complaints and increased tenant retention.

Proper handling of tenant complaints in Ontario requires one to be proactive and responsive. Through effective communication methods, following the law explicitly, and maintaining a proactive schedule for maintaining the property, most properties can significantly enhance their tenants' satisfaction. With over 22,000 properties under management, Royal
York Property Management has learned that complaint resolution done properly is the key to good tenant relations and long-term property success. Our professionals are fully prepared to assist landlords with all types of tenant complaints and satisfaction. For more information on exactly how Royal York Property Management can help you with property management and tenant complaint resolution, visit our website www.royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca/ or contact us today. Decades of steady property management allowed us to know the ins and outs of every area of this.