May 10, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


Rental property management requires not only day-to-day but also seasonal maintenance. Summer is the best season for landlords to conduct the necessary maintenance that will keep the property in the best possible condition, guarantee tenant satisfaction, and retain value.

Recognized as the leading property management and leasing company in Ontario, 
Royal York Property Management is committed to providing unparalleled service and expertise to landlords, investors, and tenants across Canada. With a vast portfolio of over 22,000 properties valued at more than $10.1 billion, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the real estate industry.

The blog discusses in great detail the top summer maintenance checklist for rental property that every landlord should consider.

What is a summer maintenance checklist?   

A summer maintenance checklist details the various maintenance tasks that property owners should undertake to get their property ready for the coming months. It is a well-thought-out plan intended to help both owners and property managers avoid potential problems that increase the desirability of a property and ensure safety and comfort for its tenants during the summer.

Why is summer maintenance essential for landlords to follow?  

1. Preventative Care

Preventative maintenance means being able to catch small issues before they turn into big problems that could end up costing thousands of unplanned dollars in repairs. Regular checks and maintenance will stretch the life expectancy of features and installations on a property and, therefore, optimize the return on investment.

2. Tenant Satisfaction

Happy tenants are more likely to renew their leases. Through proper maintenance during the summer, when outdoor space is most used, landlords can greatly improve tenant satisfaction. Creating a good landlord-tenant relationship is vital for long tenancy, and also helps.

3. Energy Efficiency

Proper operations of the cooling systems and other energy-consuming appliances in the summer remain functional to keep utility costs down. Through proper maintenance, such systems are running optimally, which will not only save energy but also be a huge contribution to environmental sustainability on the property.

4. Property Value

Properties that are properly maintained can retain aesthetic appeal and functionality, both of which are very important for property value conservation and increase. Regular maintenance also makes the property quite attractive for prospective tenants and justifies higher rent rates.

Without further ado, let’s now jump on exploring the the top 10 Essential Summer Maintenance Tasks for Landlords

2. Check the roof and Gutters  

Importance of AC Maintenance  

Air conditioning that works is important for tenant comfort in the summer. Proper maintenance means your AC unit runs more efficiently, using less energy and ensuring it continues to run effectively for a longer period to avoid breakdowns in the middle of the season.

Steps for Inspection and Cleaning  

Air filters would need to be cleaned or replaced, an inspection of coolant levels carried out, and the condensate drain checked for blockages. A professional inspection scheduled to tune the system will make it more effective and less likely to break down when there is a need for it during heatwaves. 

2. Check the roof and Gutters

Inspecting the Roof

After the harsher months, inspect the roof for damage such as cracked tiles or shingles, rust spots on metal roofs, or signs of water leakage. The outcome will avert water damage that can lead to a lot of costly repairs, as well as interior damage from leakage.

Cleaning Gutters

Ensuring that gutters and downspouts are free of debris, such as leaves or branches, is very important since it prevents the accumulation of water and possible damage to the foundation of the property or the landscaping. This also reduces the infestation of pests in stagnant water.

3. Landscaping and Outdoor Areas

Lawn Care

A well-maintained lawn improves curb appeal and creates a very inviting ambiance for tenants. Proper mowing, aeration, and application of summer-specific fertilizers help grow healthy grass and do not allow weeds to infest.

Maintaining Outdoor Spaces

The patio, pool, and BBQ areas require regular cleaning and upkeep. Checking the condition of outdoor furniture and ensuring the functionality of all amenities enhances the overall experience for tenants.

4. Exterior Painting and Repairs

Assessing Paint and Siding

Look for peeling, chalking, or blistering paint on exterior surfaces, since these can be indicative of an underlying issue like moisture problems that will grow into more severe damage if not dealt with promptly.

Repair Recommendations

Identification of areas requiring resealing and patching; arrange for such repairs. A new coat of paint or sealer can help seal a building's exterior from the elements and improve the general appearance of the building.

5. Pest Control Measures

Identifying Common Summer Pests

More ants, wasps, mosquitoes, and rodents may be present in the summer. Early detection and action can head off problems before they get too big.

Implementing Control Strategies

Regular inspection for and sealing of potential entry points such as cracks and crevices prevents entry by pests. Consider more environmentally friendly methods of controlling pests to keep the property safe for tenants and pets.

6. Window Checks and Cleaning

Inspecting Seals and Latches

Aside from the damaged seals allowing air leaks, thereby affecting the energy efficiency of a property, ensuring that all windows are in a functional state increases the security and general usability of windows.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Cleaning your windows doesn't only add to the property's aesthetics; it also allows more natural light to come inside and makes the living space more inviting and vibrant. This is particularly important when it comes to viewing for tenants.

7. Plumbing and Sprinkler Systems

Checking for Leaks

Leaks in pipes and faucets should be checked out; this ensures there are no losses of water and probable water damage that could escalate into costly repairs.

Sprinkler System Maintenance

A functioning sprinkler system is thus quite important for the maintenance of the landscape, especially in the case of eventual summer droughts that would ensure green spaces remained greener and more appealing.

8. Update Safety Equipment

Smoke Detectors and Fire Extinguishers

Ensuring that such safety devices are functioning and updated is very important for the security of the tenants, giving them peace of mind and also fulfilling the safety regulations.

First Aid Kits

First aid kits, stocked and accessible, will suffice for minor injuries that will require fast attention, which is very much needed in properties with recreational facilities.

9. Inspect and Repair Fences

Checking Stability and Integrity

Good, stable, and well-maintained fencing adds to the security and privacy of tenants, which are among the principal bases of their satisfactory assessment of the property.

Repair Guidelines

Quick repair of damaged sections helps not only to maintain the property's appearance but also to keep it safe and private.

10. Prepare for Summer Weather Conditions

Heatwaves and Storms

Providing information and resources to the tenant about how to stay safe during extreme weather conditions shows care and preparedness by the landlord.

Emergency Protocols

Having clear emergency procedures in place helps tenants feel secure with the knowledge that plans exist in case of unexpected weather events.

How does Royal York Property Management assist in the maintenance of your rental properties?

Trust us, at Royal York Property Management, to fulfill any of your maintenance needs. Be it HVAC systems, plumbing, turnover cleaning, renovations, or general daily maintenance requests, we do it all to make sure the Canadian landlord's property stays in the best of condition. We can undertake everything, hence ensuring that landlords have peace of mind with the knowledge that their properties are being taken care of and the tenants are being looked after.

Leveraging this all-inclusive summer maintenance checklist, your properties will get prepared for the season in the best shape to increase property value and tenant satisfaction. Such maintenance is what will help you protect your investment and ensure that your rental property remains an excellent place for people to live.

Let the maintenance problems not ruin your rental business this summer. Contact Royal York Property Management today, and we will handle all your property 
maintenance so that you can enjoy the season while having your properties and tenants well taken care of.

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