May 09, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources, Market Trends


Technology is not just about optimizing operations; rather, it also has the potential to greatly affect tenant contentment as well as operational efficiency. This year, in 2024, there are a number of disruptive technologies that could be game changers in the property management industry.

Royal York Property Management, a leading Ontario property management company, offers exceptional service and expertise to landlords, investors, and tenants nationwide. We manage an impressive portfolio exceeding 22,000 properties valued at over $10.1 billion, solidifying our position as a trusted real estate partner.

Let us investigate these pivotal technology trends and give property managers and landlords an indication of what the future of property management will look like:

1. Cloud Computing and SaaS Platforms

The proliferation of cloud computing continues unabated, with more property management companies moving their operations to the cloud.

What are the benefits?

1. Cost Efficiency: Savings in IT infrastructure cost on a huge scale.
2. Accessibility: better capacity to manage from anywhere, anytime.
3. Security: More secure systems with frequent updates and secure data centers
4. Impact of the trend: According to industry experts, cloud service integration in the property-management domain will result in an increase in operational efficiency of more than 30% over the next five years.

2. Internet of Things  
IoT technology integrates various smart devices, from sensors to wearables, into the property management ecosystem. These devices collect and analyze data in real-time, enabling proactive management of building systems.


1. Smart Thermostats and Lighting Systems: These devices adjust in real-time, improving energy efficiency and reducing costs.
2. Security Enhancements: IoT-enabled cameras and locks offer enhanced security features that are easily manageable remotely.
3. Future Outlook: Experts predict that IoT will not only increase property value but also attract tech-savvy tenants looking for smart, connected living environments.

Benefits of Internet of Things
1. Operational Efficiency: Automates regular routine work, freeing up property managers for other activities.
2. Predictive Insights: Gets rich insights about tenant behavior and building operations to make better decisions.
3. Enhanced Tenant Services: Artificial intelligence-powered chatbots provide customer service to tenants by answering their queries 24/7.
4. Growth in the Sector: According to experts, market efficiency of the property management sector with the integration of AI is further expected to cover over 40% of the manual.

3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning    

AI and ML will also reshape property management, as this technology will be able to implement screening processes, rent pricing, and even predictive maintenance.


1. Time efficiency: Routine tasks will be automated.
2. Predictive insights: The generation of valuable information about tenant behavior or building operations will help managers make appropriate decisions.
3. Prompt services to tenants: AI-based chatbots are ready to serve clients 24/7 and quickly answer their inquiries.
4. The industry is expected to grow: With AI implementation, the property management market can automate more than 46% of manual tasks by 2026.

4. Virtual and Augmented Reality  

VR and AR are changing property tours and how maintenance procedures are conducted. These technologies allow prospective tenants to virtually tour properties, and they allow maintenance teams to see problems and solutions in augmented environments. 

What are the advantages of virtual and augmented reality?

1. Remote property showings: Potential tenants will be able to conduct remote property showings without actually entering the building. In most cases, this is performed through IRL tours, but with a potential virtual tour as a safeguard.

2. Maintenance AR training: Maintenance professionals may receive real-time guidance on a complex repair that employs augmented reality. For instance, rather than pause work to explain or re-explain a tough issue to a maintenance person, a client can point at the problem, and augmented reality can provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve it.

3. Market Adoption: $2.6 billion is the figure of finance predicted for real estate investment in VR and AR annually. Hence, it creates a potential threat in such a rapidly growing field. Blockchain technology Blockchain technology is the hallmark of security and clarity. Even though blockchain can’t be overused for insignificant purposes, it’s undoubtedly meant to be part of the industry.

4. Transparency: Ensuring there is clarity throughout transaction records and being able to trace back all the procedures Efficiency: Reducing the process timeline for completion. Replaces the agents and prevents paperwork from being overrated, thus saving time.5. Blockchain technology  

Blockchain technology is utilized since it is known for its safety and transparency; the technology is linked to transaction management in the real estate sector and secures many transactions, including lease agreements, automated payments, and emotion, and also guarantees compliance.

What are its benefits?

1. Transparency. It guarantees all transactions become evident and verifiable.
2. Efficiency. It reduces the paperwork and intermediaries involved.
3. Security. Transactions become secure, ensuring there is no possibility of fraud.
4. How it will transform the industry. Property managers' transactions will change as a result of technology in the following ways: transactions will become safer and more effective; they will also take up to 70% less time.

6. Mobile Technology

The fact that people are carrying one with them everywhere has led to the development of innovative mobile solutions for property management. The new systems facilitate easier communication and more efficient management practices.

Features of mobile technology?

1. Mobile Payments: Streamlines the rent collection process and optimizes cash flow.

2. Real-Time Notifications: Keep tenants informed on important maintenance schedules and other important updates.

3. Maintenance Requests: Tenants can instantly log in to maintenance requests, making it easier to react to issues in real-time.

4. Future Trends: 40% of property listings are already viewed on mobile devices. Mobile technology will play an even more critical role in property management in the coming years. The development and use of these technologies have already become the basis for changes in this area. All property managers’ operations will become much more convenient, and tenants’ experiences will be changed to maximize comfort. Accept and use it, and you will be able to cope with the task much more efficiently in modern times.

This newest innovation at Royal York Property Management, the
tenant portal, has been designed to further our mission of quality service provision and innovative solutions. This portal is designed to enhance and change the way tenants engage with management services, from rent payments to maintenance requests to communication tools and lease management. This innovation at Royal York Property Management leads to a new dimension in the way property management operates.

With the integration of the above-listed technologies, property management is evolving and becoming more efficient. Tenants’ experience is also being enhanced. With technology integrated into most industries, property managers are equipped to face challenges in the current real estate market.

To keep up with the developments in the fast-growing property management industry, consider the trends listed above. For more information on how we connect with our clients and tenants through technology, don’t hesitate to
contact Royal York Property Management.

Moreover, you can find us on
Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.