May 10, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


At Royal York Property Management, we realize just how important tenant background checks are in the process of property management. Thorough background checks are important for not only minimizing possible risks associated with the leasing of property but also ensuring the rent of property to reliable tenants.

Recognized as the leading property management and leasing company in Ontario,
Royal York Property Management is committed to providing unparalleled service and expertise to landlords, investors, and tenants across Canada. With a vast portfolio of over 22,000 properties valued at more than $10.1 billion, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the real estate industry.

This guide is meant to give landlords useful tips and best practices for conducting effective tenant background checks, both to ensure
compliance with the law and the security of their rental property.

1. What Components Are Essential in a Background Check?  

Comprehensive Elements of a Background Check

A full tenant background check should contain several key components: credit reports that help the landlord evaluate the applicant's reliability from a financial standpoint; criminal history to gauge safety concerns; eviction history to predict tenancy problems; and employment verification to confirm income stability.

How to Ensure Legal Compliance in background Checks

Such a check has to be made following the fair housing laws. It means no discrimination at all, and, of course, all prospective tenants are screened by the same criteria, to be in line with ethical issues and to meet the requirements of the law.

2. How Should Landlords Conduct Credit Checks?

What Indicates Creditworthiness in a Tenant?

Knowing about a tenant's financial behavior and obligations, a credit check shows what one might find: significant debt or a history of late payments would probably raise concerns over whether a tenant can pay the rent. A good credit score, above 620 in most cases, would suggest someone has managed their finances well.

Why is consistency crucial in credit checks?

Equal standards applied to all applicants avoid discriminating accusations and ensure that the screening process is fair for everyone. This consistency is not just a best practice—it's a requirement under fair housing laws.

3. How do you navigate criminal background screening?  

Legal Ways to Conduct Criminal Checks

If you are going to obtain a criminal background check, be sure to meet local laws, which can vary. Some jurisdictions limit the kinds of criminal records that can be used in tenant screening and emphasize convictions over arrests.

Assessing Criminal History: What Should Landlords Consider?

Assess the relevance of the offense to the tenancy, considering the type of crime, the time since its commission, and any evidence of rehabilitation. This sort of contextual analysis tends to balance safety concerns with considerations of fair treatment.

4. Why Is Eviction History Important in Tenant Screening?

The Role of Eviction Records in Predicting Tenant Behavior

Running eviction records helps forecast whether some prospective tenants may turn out to be a problem. A history of evictions might point to a pattern of bad behavior, which may include rent non-payment or breach of lease terms.

How to Evaluate Eviction Reports Effectively

More than just records, look for circumstances that brought them to eviction. Context is everything—one eviction in a bad period might be an anomaly, not a pattern.

5. What Are the Best Practices for Employment and Income Verification?

How do I verify employment stability and income?

Verifying employment and income through pay stubs, tax returns, or direct contact with employers will give a very clear picture of tenants' financial stability and their ability to afford the rent.

What Is the ideal Income-to-Rent Ratio?

A common benchmark is that a tenant's gross monthly income needs to be at least three times that of the month's rent. This ratio, therefore, means that tenants can easily pay their rent as well as other financial obligations.

6. How should landlords check references?

Why are reference checks crucial?

Talking to former landlords and employers may yield other valuable information on how reliable and well-behaved the tenant might be. Such references can confirm the information the applicant provided on the application and share experiences that may relate to future acts of the tenant.

What Questions Should Landlords Ask References?  

Ask specific questions that detail the tenant's rental history: How prompt have the payments been? Has the property been well-maintained? Have the lease terms been adhered to? The answers can help build a comprehensive understanding of the tenant's suitability.

7. How to Handle Application Denials Respectfully and Legally?

Best Practices for Communicating Denials

If an applicant is to be rejected, for instance, during tenancy, they deserve a reasonable and direct notice. A written notice needs to be provided and should give a clearly stated reason for denial concerning the results of the background check. Such written notice should be in accordance with the requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act. The law requires that the landlords provide a written notice that contains the contact information of the credit reporting agency used.

What Legal Considerations Must Be Observed When Denying an Application?

Be sure to give an "adverse action" notice if the denial is based on any part of the credit report. In doing so, you are protecting not only the rights of the tenant but also yourself from possible litigation.

8. Why are documentation and record keeping important in tenant screening?

The Role of Documentation in Tenant Screening

It is very important to maintain a good record of all the tenant screening information and the justification for any decisions made regarding rentals. These records can become very important in cases of disputes or legal complications arising from your screening practice.

Record Keeping: What to Keep and For How Long?

Keep all relevant tenant screening documentation, including application forms, background check reports, notes on decision-making, and correspondence with or about applicants. Generally, these should be kept for at least three years to comply with fair housing audit requirements.

9. How Can Landlords Stay Updated on Background Check Best Practices?

Importance of Continuous Learning About Legal Changes

Laws regarding tenant screening and fair housing legislation change all the time. That is why it is important to stay current with updates. Use legal resources, housing authorities, or professional groups to get your updates. This will help you screen tenants properly and will ensure that you are not violating any laws.

Resources for Ongoing Education in Tenant Screening

You may attend seminars, subscribe to rental trade magazines, or enroll in landlord associations. The more information you get from these sources, the better you will be equipped to screen your tenants intelligently and comply with all the legal changes.

Royal York Property Management's Tenant Placement Services

Our tenant placement services at Royal York Property Management will enable a landlord to easily rent a property. Our work can put a tenant, highly scrutinized, into your home within 7-10 business days.

Our services include thorough property assessments, professional photos, video tours, and tenant screenings that provide you with fully detailed reports—credit reports with confirmed FICO scores for the best tenant possible. We handle everything from showings with our expert in-house leasing agents to lease agreements and move-in assessments. We manage key deliveries, tenant insurance, utility transfers, and the collection of first and last month's rent, so this is an end-to-end solution for landlords looking for ease and reliability.

Finally, doing a thorough tenant background check is a prerequisite for any landlord who wants to mitigate the risks and establish a basis for stability in their operations. The following best practices will help in an improved process of selecting a tenant and further secure your rental investment.

If you're a landlord seeking to refine your tenant screening process or wishing to seek comprehensive property management services, contact Royal York Property Management. It is with experience and a dexterous touch of tenant placement services that we help you find your dream tenant.

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