June 18, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


As we navigate through 2024’s rental property management, building maintenance has become very critical to achieving tenant satisfaction. In the highly competitive and diverse Canadian rental market, attention to property upkeep at high standards is key to securing and sustaining tenants. At Royal York Property Management, we understand that well-maintained properties are fundamental to tenant satisfaction and long-term success. With our extensive portfolio valued at over $10.1 billion and encompassing more than 22,000 properties, we have acquired the expertise and insight to spotlight the impact that building maintenance can have on tenant satisfaction.

What is Tenant Satisfaction? 

Tenant satisfaction includes every sphere of the living experience of a tenant, starting from comfort and safety to amenities and the quality of communication between tenants and property managers. While, traditionally in Canada, the expectations of tenants from a property were only safety and comfort, in 2024, it is gradually shifting toward making sure that a property is sustainable and energy-efficient. Our role, as property managers, is to live up to these changing expectations through diligent maintenance and proactive communication.

The Impact of Building Maintenance on Tenant Satisfaction  

Safety and Security

Proper maintenance of buildings provides safety to tenants. This may prevent accidents and increase the level of security if checks are made regularly on fire alarms, smoke detectors, entry systems, and security features that need repair work. For instance, it can significantly diminish the risk of security problems by securing the entrance doors properly and providing enough lighting in common areas. This is part of Royal York Property Management's ethos that a secure environment is at the root of tenant satisfaction.

Comfort and Livability

Maintenance and comfort often go hand in hand at a property. Tenants expect air conditioning and heating systems to work, plumbing to be trustworthy, and electrical systems to be safe. This kind of responsiveness does more than just offer comfort; it also greatly extends the useful life of a property's infrastructure. Regular maintenance of these systems helps prevent breakdowns, which can be both inconvenient and costly.

Aesthetic Appeal

Visual appeal plays a huge role in tenant satisfaction. Attractive interiors, well-painted exteriors, and lush landscaping are some of the simple enhancers of quality of life. Clean and well-kept common areas, along with attractive landscaping, make tenants feel proud of where they live. This sense of pride can translate into longer lease agreements and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Preventive vs. Reactive Maintenance

Periodic inspections with timely interventions to solve minor issues before they escalate to major ones are involved in preventive maintenance. This process is cost-effective in the long term since it helps in the appreciation of property value. Preventive maintenance reduces the frequency of repairs made in emergency situations, hence disrupting and involving a lot of money. For example, periodic roof inspections, coupled with related minor repairs, greatly aid in avoiding expensive water damage and extensive roof replacement.

The reactive maintenance model means that issues are resolved only after they have been reported. Such a policy, though unavoidable in some cases, is very costly and annoying for the tenants. It may delay the process of problem resolution, irritating the tenants and hurting the
landlords-tenants relationship. For instance, procrastination in repairing a plumbing leakage may cause serious property damage and tenant hassle.

Sustainable Building Maintenance Practices

Energy efficiency enables such buildings to be friendly to the environment and cost-effective for both the landlord and the tenant. Some of the means through which energy efficiency can be enhanced include routine servicing of the HVAC, switching to light-emitting diode bulbs, and smart thermostats. These enhance energy efficiency by reducing energy use, cutting utility bills, and providing a selling point to the environmentally conscious tenant.

In addition, there is also
interest from tenants in sustainable maintenance, which includes things like conservation of water and the use of non-toxic materials. Water-saving devices and other recycling programs can add to the list of things that make a difference. Tenants enjoy knowing they are part of properties working toward environmental sustainability, which, in turn, tends to manifest in the form of increased tenant retention rates.

Communication and Transparency  

Effective Communication Strategies

Good communication in regards to maintenance schedules and procedures is paramount. Tenants should be informed of when and how the maintenance activity is going to be done on their premises. The pace of updating can be preserved through the employment of a tenant portal, email, and notice. Communication builds trust and makes the tenant feel valued and heard.

Involving Tenants in Maintenance Decisions

Involving the tenant in maintenance decisions directly increases their satisfaction. It would enable the tenants to feel on top of the situation each and every time there is feedback through questionnaires coupled with an open communication network regarding upcoming maintenance projects. That approach would achieve better maintenance and improved liaison with the tenants.

Our proactive maintenance at Royal
York Property Management has been quite effective in raising tenant satisfaction. We do this by conducting routine inspections and following up on issues reported before they escalate to major problems. It has all been very positive so far; what appears in the tenants' feedback is an indication of that.

For example, in one of the properties we manage in Toronto, we implemented a detailed maintenance plan with regular checking on the HVAC system and plumbing and good care taken of the exterior. Tenants were more than happy to share their positive observations regarding the way maintenance-related issues were dealt with and, overall, how maintenance was being carried out. As a result of this, tenant retention rates improved, and positive reviews were given to our property management based on our maintenance interactions.

A new 2024 study looked at tenant satisfaction between property investment portfolios with proactive maintenance versus ones with reactive maintenance. The study surveyed hundreds of rental properties across Canada, including properties managed by Royal
York Property Management.

The results revealed that those with proactive maintenance strategies had drastically higher tenant satisfaction rates. Tenants living in such properties reported fewer issues and were better off or more content with the living conditions. In contrast, in those properties where there was a mere reliance on reactive maintenance, the situation was the other way around: more frequent complaints and lower levels of satisfaction.

The findings obtained from the study proved some critical aspects: proactive maintenance not only reduced major repairs but also provided a better experience for tenants. The better the condition of the property, the more likely it is that tenants will renew their leases and recommend the buildings to others.

Building maintenance determines a great part of the satisfaction of tenants. Considering preventive actions, sustainability, and communication will substantially improve the tenant experience. At Royal
York Property Management, we consider it our obligation to maintain the most impeccable standards of property upkeep to ensure that our tenants live in conditions that are safe, comfortable, clean, and pleasing to the eye. As we keep moving forward in 2024, let's continue to put building maintenance at the top of our list to foster very satisfied tenants and thriving communities. For more information on Royal York Property Management and our services, visit: royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca