April 13, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources, Market Trends


It is essential that Welland, Ontario citizens and property owners to fully understand their duties with regarding the maintaining and making repairs of rental homes.  Leading provider of property management services, Royal York Property Management promotes open communication and compliance to the law in every aspect of rental property management.

Understanding the Residential Tenancies Act

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is the main legislation in Ontario that regulates the rights and responsibilities of both landlords and tenants. This law specifies what tenants can do in the case when their rental property needs repairs, as well as what obligations landlords have. 

Landlord Responsibilities

Landlords are required to keep the rental property in a good state of repair and fit for habitation, complying with health, safety, housing, and maintenance standards. This includes:

- Ensuring that the building’s structure, walls, roofs, and windows are in good repair, free from dampness and mold.

- Maintaining all electrical, heating, and plumbing systems.

- Providing and maintaining appliances and fixtures in good working order.

- Ensuring that the areas controlled by the landlord but used by the tenant, such as hallways, lobbies, and laundry rooms, are well maintained.

Tenant Responsibilities

Tenants are required to maintain their apartments clean, to an extent that most people would consider normal or usual. Additionally, they are in charge of repairing any harm they or their visitors cause to the rented property, or covering the cost of doing so.

How Tenants Can Request RepairsIf a tenant notices that something is amiss or requires repair, they should follow these steps:

1. Notify the Landlord: Tell your landlord about any repairs that are needed by giving them a written notice. It is a good idea to keep a copy of this notice for yourself.

2. Allow Reasonable Time for Repairs: Usually, the landlord gives an adequate duration of time to finish the repairs; however, the scope of what constitutes "reasonable" will vary depending on the nature of the problem. 

3. Municipal Intervention: Im case the repairs are not made, tenants are free to contact their local municipality. Welland has rules that require properties to meet certain standards. The city can check properties for any rule violations and can demand repairs.

4. Tenant Remedies: Tenants might be entitled to withhold money, pay for repairs and deduct the cost from their rent, or even end the lease if the landlord still fails to perform the necessary repairs. However, these steps need to be taken carefully and preferably with legal guidance. 

Tenants and landlords in Welland must work together and communicate in order to share responsibilities for maintenance and repairs of rental properties. Both parties can contribute to a safe, secure, and fun living environment by being aware of and following the rules display in the Residential Tenancies Act. Throughout Welland, Royal York Property Management is dedicated to helping landlords and tenants manage these obligations in an efficient manner, promoting friendly and expert rental relationships. 

For tenants and landlords in Welland seeking further information or needing assistance with their rental property management, connecting with experienced professionals like those at Royal York Property Management can provide peace of mind and ensure compliance with all local laws and standards.