May 10, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


At Royal York Property Management, we understand that the eviction process is possibly the most disturbing experience in managing any property. It affects not only the tenant to be evicted but also the landlord enforcing it.

Recognized as the leading property management and leasing company in Ontario, 
Royal York Property Management is committed to providing unparalleled service and expertise to landlords, investors, and tenants across Canada. With a vast portfolio of over 22,000 properties valued at more than $10.1 billion, we have established ourselves as a trusted partner in the real estate industry.

This guide will shed light on what happens to a tenant's possessions after an eviction in the hopes of providing landlords with all the facts they need to handle this sensitive issue responsibly and in a legally correct manner.

1. What Are the Legal Grounds and Procedures for Eviction?  

What Legal Reasons Justify an Eviction?

Eviction can be justified on several grounds, which include non-payment of rent, a gross violation of lease terms, or causing extensive damage to the property. The landlord should understand these grounds adequately so that an eviction that is carried out will have legal justification and defense.

How Should an Eviction Be Properly Executed?

The eviction process involves a series of legally requisite steps that are followed carefully to avoid possible legal repercussions. This normally begins with a legally required notice to vacate and may continue with court proceedings if necessary. Understanding and adhering to these legal procedures is required to maintain legality in the eviction.

2. What Are the Notification Requirements for Tenants Facing Eviction?  

What Is Required in a Notice to Vacate?

Landlords must issue a notice to quit to the tenant, clearly stating the date and deadline by which the tenant needs to leave the premises. Such a notice is crucial for ensuring that tenants have enough time to make alternative living arrangements and minimizing disputes related to abrupt evictions.

What Does a Final Eviction Notice Entail?

After the notice period, if the tenant has not vacated the property, a final eviction notice is sent. Such a notice is normally carried out by a legal authority, such as a sheriff, and is the last stage of eviction to confirm the end of a tenant's right of occupation.

3. What Rights Do Tenants Have Regarding Their Property After Eviction?

Are Tenants Entitled to Retrieve Their Personal Belongings Post-Eviction?

Yes, tenants do have the right to retrieve their personal belongings after being evicted. A landlord is under obligation to provide reasonable access to the property to retrieve their belongings within a certain period, normally after eviction.

How Long Do Tenants Have to Collect Their Assets?

Normally, tenants are given a period within which they can remove their belongings from the landlord's property. This period is usually 48 hours from the time of eviction. Failure to retrieve their belongings within the given period may render the goods abandoned, and hence a different law will apply when disposing of them.

4. What Happens in Specific Scenarios Involving Tenant Property?

How Are Left-Behind Belongings Handled After an Eviction?

In cases where the tenant has left his or her belongings, a landlord is supposed to use specific legal procedures to dispose of such belongings. Mostly, this will involve storing the property for a certain period of time as a way of contacting the tenant.

What Are the Legal Protocols If a Tenant Abandons Their Unit?

If a unit is abandoned, then a new set of legal standards applies. Abandonment is typically assumed if a tenant moves out with no notice and stops paying rent. A landlord must therefore first legally establish abandonment before disposing of any property left behind.

What Legal Steps Must Landlords Take If a Tenant Dies?

The death of a tenant introduces complex legal questions concerning the handling of the tenant’s property, particularly regarding dealing with the tenant’s next of kin or legal estate. Landlords should seek legal advice to navigate these situations carefully and lawfully.

5. How Should Landlords Manage a Tenant's Belongings Post-Eviction?  

What Are a Landlord's Responsibilities Regarding a Tenant's Property??

Post-eviction, landlords are responsible for the safekeeping of the tenant’s belongings for a legally required period. This duty includes protecting the items from damage or theft and possibly documenting their condition and storage location.

What Are the Legal Requirements for Storing Tenant Property?

Landlords must store the tenant's belongings securely and appropriately, maintaining their condition and safeguarding them against environmental damage or vandalism. Storage has to be appropriately documented to avoid disputes concerning the handling of property.

6. What Happens to Abandoned Tenant Property?

How Is Abandoned Property Defined and Managed Legally?

Abandoned property is described as property that is left by a tenant who has unmistakably relinquished possession of the property without intention to return. A landlord has to follow stringent legal requirements to determine the moment when the property is considered abandoned and how it should be disposed of thereafter.

What Are the Procedures for Legally Disposing of Abandoned Property?

After the determination of abandoned property, the landlord might have the right to get rid of it but after following certain legal formalities, which include:
- giving a notice to the tenant,
- appropriate waiting for a response from the tenant,
- involving courts of law, depending on the value of the property.

7. How Can Belongings Be Legally Sold or Disposed of by Landlords?

Under What Conditions Can a Landlord Sell a Tenant’s Belongings?

A landlord can sell a tenant’s belongings under conditions typically specified by local laws, which may include efforts to notify the tenant and a waiting period after which unclaimed property can be sold.

How Should Revenue from the Sale of Tenant's Belongings Be Handled?

Proceeds from the sale of abandoned belongings must be handled according to specific legal requirements. This often involves holding the funds in trust for the tenant for a certain period, after which they may be used to cover unpaid rent or storage costs, provided proper accounting is maintained.

8. What Recourse Do Tenants Have If Their Belongings Are Mishandled?

How Can Tenants Dispute Belongings Be Handled Post-Eviction?

Tenants are given the right to contest in court instances of a landlord mishandling their property, which they feel was not done in an acceptable manner under the law. This might include a claim brought forth via the local housing authority or court.

What Legal Actions Can Tenants Take for Compensation?

If belongings are mishandled, tenants may seek compensation through legal actions. This will require the tenant to prove the mishandling of the belongings and may lead to monetary compensation or other forms of remedy.

9. What Are the Best Practices for Landlords in Handling Tenant's Belongings?

Why Is Documentation and Communication Key in Managing Tenant's Belongings?

Keeping detailed records of all the steps taken regarding the handling of tenant's belongings and open lines of communication with the tenant—or the tenant's representatives—can eliminate miscommunication that may result in legal battles involving the handling of tenant's belongings.

How Can Landlords Avoid Legal Pitfalls in Property Management?

A landlord should be updated on the most recent changes in housing laws and regulations and how to manage property in the best way to avoid legal traps, particularly those involving the handling of tenant's belongings post-eviction.

10. How Can Royal York Property Management's Legal Experts Assist Landlords with Tenant Evictions?

What Legal Support Does Royal York Property Management Provide for Evictions?

In association with Zuber & Company LLP, Royal York Property Management will provide professional legal assistance for landlords in the eviction process. Our team will organize everything from drafting and serving LTB notices and applications to representing the landlord at Landlord and Tenant Board hearings and appearing in Small Claims Court.

Why Should Landlords Opt for Professional Legal Services in Evictions?

Engaging professional legal services ensures that evictions are executed in a lawful manner and with efficiency, minimizing the risk to the landlord, and done in accordance with all the latest Acts and Regulations of Ontario real estate. Our legal team keeps up with all the acts and regulations related to the process and, therefore, gives confidence and frees the landlord's time to focus on other aspects of managing the property.

Understanding what happens to a tenant’s property after eviction is essential for any landlord. By following legal protocols and utilizing the comprehensive services offered by Royal York Property Management, landlords can manage evictions and post-eviction processes smoothly and legally.

For expert legal support and comprehensive 
property management services, contact Royal York Property Management today. Let us help you manage your property effectively, ensuring peace of mind and compliance with all relevant laws.