June 18, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


Making your property outstanding is the keystone to gaining and keeping quality tenants in Ontario's fast-growing rental market. As tenant preferences change in 2024, it becomes very important for landlords to adapt methods that help improve the condition of their property. At Royal York Property Management, we understand very well the need to optimize a rental property since we manage a $10.1 billion portfolio comprising over 22,000 properties. Here's how to make your rental property more appealing to prospective tenants.

Understand the 2024 Tenant Market  

The tenant landscape in Ontario is changing. Remote work has fundamentally shifted the nature of rental preferences. Tenants now pay more attention than ever to having properties accommodate home office spaces. The quality of life, together with the bright economy and great business opportunities, attracts many young professionals and families to Ontario. And during this period, eco-friendly and green living options kept on gaining interest, similar to the general public's concerns about the environment. They want to live in modern amenities with convenient locations. They like safety and security features; community and recreational facilities are what many of them are looking for when they seek out a rental unit. By understanding the preferences of tenants today, you will be better off customizing your property to meet their expectations and stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Improve Your Property's Curb Appeal  

First impressions last. Enhancing your property from the outside will do wonders. Proper landscaping, keeping the lawns trimmed, seasonal flowers, and some shrubs will give a fine view. An elevation in the exterior lighting will add to the curb appeal while improving safety. A fresh coat of paint will make the property look well-maintained, which is a great attraction to tenants. The entrance will give the first impression of your interior. So, either install a new front door or renovate it. Potted plants at the entrance and clean, styled welcome mats all help to create a good first impression. Neat pathways and driveways, free of leaves or other debris, add up to a neat and inviting entrance area.

Modernize Your Property's Interiors

It is truly amazing what a little modernization of the interior can do. New paint, using colors that are modern and neutral, will bring freshness and, thereby, ensure a welcome look to the unit. On the other hand, new flooring made from hard-wearing, stylish materials will add to both the aesthetic value and functionality of the living space. Lighting from modern systems adds character while reducing utility bills through the use of energy-efficient lighting. Areas like kitchens and baths are among the major focal points for any tenant looking for a rental property. This could be highlighted to most prospective tenants who care about their utility bills. Renovations to countertops, cabinets, and backsplashes bring these areas into the modern world and, hence, make them more attractive. Ensuring that bathrooms are functional, clean, and modern is a core necessity for tenant satisfaction.

Incorporate Smart Home Features

You can add some smart home features to make a property more impeccable. Smart locks, surveillance cameras—these things allow tenants peace of mind regarding security and safety. The keyless entry options add convenience and modernity to your house. Not only do smart thermostats and appliances reduce utility costs, but they also show your care for sustainability to your tenants. Follow up by encouraging the use of LED lighting or smart, programmable lighting systems.

Offer Quality Amenities

Amenities in-unit, like laundry facilities, can add a great deal to property comfort and marketability. Options for high-speed internet and cable television are also very desirable for renters these days, particularly for remote workers and tech-savvy tenants. If your property is in a building or complex large enough to warrant shared services or facilities, touting common features such as a fitness room, community room, or play space could be a big draw to tenants. A clean, well-maintained common area goes a long way toward creating an attractive living space.

Ensure Safety and Security

The keys to very satisfied tenants are regular inspections and addressing maintenance issues in a timely manner. Smoke detectors, fire extinguishers, and carbon monoxide detectors should all be properly serviced for both the safety of the property and compliance.  Installing security cameras and ensuring proper lighting in common areas can enhance the security of your property. Providing secure parking options can also be a significant draw for tenants.

Market Your Property Effectively 

Creating high-quality online listings with professional photos and detailed descriptions. One can utilize popular rental websites and social media to get maximum visibility among prospects. Emphasizing special characteristics of a property, such as an eco-friendly feature or smart home technologies, will make your property very attractive in relation to your competitors. Something as simple as emphasizing the proximity of your property to varying amenities, public transport, and good schools can make your property more attractive. One of the things that most people look for in a house to let is convenience; therefore, placing an emphasis on such aspects will boost its appeal.

Provide Excellent Tenant Services 

Open and responsive channels of communication contribute to tenant satisfaction. Providing 24/7 support for maintenance requests and emergencies will make the tenant feel cared for. Tenant appreciation programs or even lease renewal incentives will also serve to create friendly relations with the tenant. Happy tenants would renew a lease and recommend the property to others.

Making your Ontario rental property more attractive requires a mixture of enhanced presentation and modern amenities, along with exceptional service provided to the tenants. With an understanding of what tenants desire and an investment in property renovation, you can ensure you maintain quality tenants. At Royal York Property Management, we are committed to helping landlords optimize their properties and succeed in the competitive rental market. For more information on Royal York Property Management and our services, visit: