June 13, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


The location of a rental property greatly affects tenants' quality of life. In Ontario, family tenants often prioritize being close to schools and parks. As one of Canada's leading property management and leasing companies, Royal York Property Management understands these preferences and the value they add to rental properties. Managing a portfolio worth over $10.1 billion, including more than 22,000 properties, we have a deep insight into what makes a location desirable for family tenants. This blog delves into the reasons behind this preference and explores its implications for landlords and property managers.

Population Growth and Demographics

Ontario continues to experience robust population growth, driven by both natural increases and immigration. As of 2024, the province has seen a remarkable 42.6% one-year increase in non-permanent residents, totaling 1,204,736 people. These newcomers contribute to the demand for housing, particularly in family-friendly neighborhoods. Understanding the demographic trends is crucial for landlords and property managers aiming to meet the housing needs of this growing population.

Benefits of Proximity to Schools and Parks  

1. Education  

Families value education for their children, and the proximity to schools offers convenience and cuts down on commuting time. The proximity will also prompt greater participation by the parents in the school activities, which will effectively improve their children's learning experience. The reduced commute time will allow the parent to achieve better work-family balance. Schools in close proximity are often perceived as a mark of a good neighborhood, making such locations highly desirable.

2. Recreation and Green Spaces

Accessible parks and green spaces can make a big difference regarding how well the residents feel. They promote exercise, mental well-being, and community participation. Families appreciate being near parks for casual fun, picnics, and playing time. Parks are common spaces where neighbors get to know one another and form bonds. This kind of attribute is most welcome for families looking for a close, neighborly community.

3. Safety

Areas with schools and parks are usually considered to be much safer. Usually, incidences of crime are low in such areas, and they are more pedestrian-friendly, particularly for families with small children. As a matter of fact, safety is one of the key things any family looks out for when choosing where to live, and the presence of well-maintained schools and parks is a major contributor to this factor.

4. Social Interaction

Schools and parks facilitate social interaction, which is essential to community building. Schools have events, parent-teacher associations, and extracurricular activities that draw residents out of their shells and make them take an active interest in the community. Parks, on the other hand, become a place where families gather at one point in time or another and thus help strengthen social bonds that create a support system among neighbors for all times.
Know the Rental Market Implications  

Increased Demand

Rentals near schools and parks are more in demand due to family preferences. Landlords and property managers can capitalize on this demand by offering properties in these desirable locations. This demand usually translates to good rental yields for the landlord.

Property Investment Strategies

Targeting family-friendly areas around schools and parks can be one such strategic decision with regard to a broader investment explanation. Not only do such locations attract tenants, but they also tend to appreciate over time, so long-term returns are possible. In this way, it is possible for long-term rental income allied to potential appreciation in the property value to be secured.

Property Management Considerations 

Understanding tenant preferences plays a big role in property management. At Royal York Property Management, we make sure that our services revolve around these preferences so as to improve tenant satisfaction. Well-maintained common areas, playgrounds, and recreational facilities are big catches for most families. Our commitment to high standards in property maintenance ensures that tenants enjoy a safe and comfortable living environment.

Understanding why Ontario family tenants prefer rentals near schools and parks is crucial for landlords and property managers. This way, one can refocus strategies against such findings to present some attractive rental and market communities. For landlords looking to maximize their rental property's appeal, considering proximity to schools and parks can be a game-changer. For tenants, choosing such locations means access to quality education, recreational spaces, safety, and a vibrant community life. When these are identified and acted upon, happy communities that are sustainable can be created across the Ontario neighborhoods. For more information on Royal
York Property Management and our services, visit: royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca