June 14, 2024

Property Management Tips, RYPM Resources


With pressing global environmental challenges, sustainable living practices have become more critical than ever. In Canada, where the housing sector is both a considerable consumer of energy and a significant generator of waste, sustainable rentals are an ideal way forward. This is why, here at Royal York Property Management, we value providing eco-friendly living spaces. As one of Canada's leading property management and leasing companies, managing a portfolio worth over $10.1 billion and encompassing more than 22,000 properties, we are committed to promoting sustainable rentals for the benefit of both tenants and the environment. This blog delves into why sustainable rentals matter for Canadian tenants, supported by the latest insights from 2024.

Understand the Environmental Benefits of Sustainable Rentals

Energy Efficiency

Rentals are done keeping energy efficiency in mind, thus lowering the power grid strain and greenhouse gas production. Features such as LED lighting, smart thermostats, and energy-efficient appliances are increasingly common. When the Canadian government offered incentives to landlords to upgrade their properties in 2024, the creation of energy-efficient rentals soared in major Canadian cities. The upgrade, being environmentally friendly, also generated enormous cost savings for their tenants.

Water Conservation

Water conservation is another feature of sustainable rentals. Fixtures, rainwater harvesting systems, and drought-resistant landscaping are some of the water-saving features that benefit tenants by cutting water bills and also supporting the broader conservation of water. Cities such as Vancouver, Brampton, Toronto, and Burlington have paved the way for an increase in sustainable practices, giving way to lower water consumption and environmental responsibility.

Waste Reduction  

Rentals that are sustainable help reduce waste through recycling programs, compositing facilities at their disposal, and even reducing packaging. This allows the tenants to mitigate their impact on the environment to quite an extent. In 2024, cities such as Vancouver and Toronto reported higher waste diversion rates due to these programs, highlighting the positive impact of sustainable living.

Reduced Carbon Footprint 

Sustainable rentals enable tenants to significantly minimize their carbon footprint. The buildings will need less electricity if they are energy efficient, thus producing lower emissions. The term net-zero energy rental communities was popularized in 2024 and focused on carbon neutrality and the role tenants play in achieving environmental goals.

Prioritize Tenant Health and Well-Being with Sustainable Rentals

Indoor Air Quality 

Sustainable rentals place great emphasis on indoor air quality via low-VOC paints, proper ventilation, and air purification systems, among other ways. These enhance the tenant's good health. In 2024, research conducted connected offering sustainable rentals with better air quality to reduced respiratory disease in tenants, showing the real benefits of sustainable housing.

Access to Green Spaces

The presence of accessible green spaces, community gardens, rooftop terraces, or even proximity to parks can contribute greatly to improving the quality of life among tenants. Green spaces are generally very good for physical activity, good mental well-being, and community participation. Now, in 2024, green rooftop development is increasing in Montreal, with a broader effect on enhancing urban biodiversity but most immediately allowing tenants to have a nice space to be enjoyed.

Stress Reduction

Living in eco-friendly surroundings can help reduce stress levels. Sustainable rentals often have biophilic design elements, such as natural light and greenery. These contribute to a more enjoyable and relaxing living experience. Architects started embracing the principles in rental projects found in major cities in 2024, increasing the satisfaction of tenants.

Reap the Financial Benefits of Sustainable Rentals

Lower Utility Bills   

Energy-efficient rentals make great savings possible, too. It means small electricity and heating bills, so that sustainable living pays off both for the environment and for the wallet. The adoption of solar panels and geothermal systems in 2024 further lowered utility expenses, making these rentals even more attractive.

Incentives and Rebates 

Governments and utility companies offer rebates on energy efficiency upgrades and other incentives for green features. It gives the landlord a financial incentive to invest in green features and will be in demand from any tenant looking for cost-effective and environmentally friendly living arrangements. In 2024, properties with these benefits had high demand from environmentally conscious tenants.

Long-Term Savings

Since sustainable rentals tend to have long-lasting materials and low-maintenance designs, there are long-term financial benefits for tenants. It simply means that the properties have fewer repairs and replacements, which eventually lowers the cost of living in the long run. In 2024, there will be greater appreciation among tenants for spending more money on quality housing—something that will provide both instantaneous and long-term benefits.

The Legal and Policy Landscape of Sustainable Rentals  

The New Canadian tenants' Bill of Rights

With the Canadian tenants' Bill of Rights in 2024, under law, the rights of tenants were made firm. This included the guarantee of the provision of housing that is safe, sustainable, and respectful of environmental concerns. It added more specific expectations from property owners with respect to energy efficiency and environmental sustainability, which would give tenants better living arrangements.

Government Initiatives 

Indeed, federal and provincial governments have initiated various schemes for such sustainable housing. These range from tax incentives to grants and partnerships with developers to create eco-friendly rental properties. In effect, sustainable rentals become both more accessible and much more appealing to landlords and tenants alike.

Rent Control Policies

Balancing affordability with sustainability remains a challenge. Such rent control policies could impact investment in green upgrades by landlords. Policymakers remain divided on this balancing act between tenant protection and environmental goals. The debate thus forms part of developments in 2024 as viable solutions to satisfy both parties become the focal point.

Evolving Sustainable Living in Canada's Major Cities

Cities like Vancouver, Toronto, and Montreal are making sustainable living the new norm. In Vancouver, developers have gained green certifications for their rental buildings just because of energy efficiency with the use of healthy materials and less waste. All these certifications set a new standard for actually living sustainably in the city. Other cities, like Toronto, are seeing net-zero energy rental communities rise. A net-zero energy building is one that generates as much energy as it consumes. Recent developments in this direction include eco-friendly and cost-effective housing that provides tenants with good conditions for living sustainably. At the same time, historic buildings in Montreal have undergone adaptive reuse, which secures eco-friendly features that put much emphasis on heritage. The combination of sustainability and cultural preservation has already given tenants an adequate environment for unique living and environmentally responsible conditions.

Improve Tenant Living with Sustainable Rental Solutions

Tenants have huge roles in propelling sustainability. These include opting for rentals with green certifications, lobbying for environmental practices within their buildings, and even participating in community sustainability activities. Workshops, tree planting, and fairs are some of the avenues tenants can initiate and contribute towards sustainability.

Sustainable rentals are no longer a trend but a necessity for the well-being of tenants and of the planet. Royal
York Property Management is dedicated to the promotion and management of sustainable and eco-friendly properties that offer a host of benefits to our tenants. As we move forward, let us join hands for sustained living in a greener tomorrow. Visit our website: http://royalyorkpropertymanagement.ca.